The goal is to bring markets to the pricing of restaurant items, to make sales processes more efficient, maximize revenue and even out the workload on employees throughout the day. The system involves creating a variably-priced digital menu that would be displayed in their restaurant above their service area. The interesting change that we would be asking them to make is that they would choose 2 prices for every item they are selling–a minimum sales price and a maximum sales price. Depending on an algorithm or machine learning implementation, the current price of the item would vary between those parameters. The software would track the historical sales progress of the item and generate a suitable price for the item, such as a sub sandwich or pizza. The price would update on-screen every hour or selected period of time. In order to generate a suitable sales price between the min and max parameters, the system would use some strategic math to compute a relevant number. The pricing algorithm uses historical data like how many, for example, subs have been sold during a certain hour of the day and the suggested menu price changes based on the percentage of items sold in the previous hour compared with the average amount sold. If a record number of items sells during a certain hour, the price defaults to the max sales price during the next hour. Or, contrarily, if 0 sell during an hour, the next hour the item will be updated to the minimum price til it begins selling. Otherwise, the price will be updated to some point in the item’s min/max price range based on demand during the previous period. The main idea is to use math to change the sales price (within parameters) to ultimately sell more items at a more efficient price. Establishing a market will result in higher profitability and will encourage items with less demand to be sold. Instead of traditional SaaS, Marketari makes profit by taking a micro fee from each item sold, perhaps a variable 10 cents, getting creative about incentivizing our pricing process to lead to more efficient profitability. Since more and more sellers are using a digital menu in their store, it is a Marketari opportunity. Basic additional information available at